Correia Instrumental
Music Association
A 501c3 Organization
Providing all of our students with opportunities
to make music
Music Association
A 501c3 Organization
Providing all of our students with opportunities
to make music
Welcome CIMA Families!
The Correia Instrumental Music Association is a volunteer, fundraising, non-profit, 501©3 organization dedicated to improving the experience of the music students at Correia Middle School. Our goal, with the support of our parents, volunteers, teachers and staff, is to enhance and enrich the music education and experience of our children, while mitigating the impact of the state budget cuts. In order to achieve our goals, two things need to happen this year. First, we need to increase fundraising efforts this year. Second, we need families to volunteer their time and increase their presence at music events. It is our hope that each family will consider a tax deductible contribution to our Annual Giving Fund. We’re thankful for the volunteers who have already signed up to help this year, and look forward to many of you coming alongside to join them. Your participation is greatly appreciated whether it’s via your time, talent, or through a financial contribution. Please contact CIMA with any questions or suggestions you may have. We’re looking forward to working together and to a wonderful year ahead! Thank You!!! THE CIMA BOARD |
2022 - 23 Meetings
September 4 - 4:30pm
Correia MS Room 601 |
CIMA is a 501c3 non-profit. All Donations are tax deductible.
Tax ID 16-1730557
Tax ID 16-1730557